+ How do I pay?

Our Booking page provides online purchase and payment options. Or venmo @WildWillowStudio as an alternative.

+ When will I get an confirmation for my booking?

As soon as you make your online booking and purchase you will receive an email confirming your scheduled time.

+ What are your rental hours and rates?

We allow renters 8am-8pm everyday. We have a number of rates available, ranging from $70 for an hour. Refer to our Booking page for all purchase options.

+ How do I know what time slots are available?

Our [online booking system][5] is used to book all studio time, refer to the booking system and choose an open time slot.

+ Where is the lock box?

Our lock box is the black dial lock on the black fence directly in front of the studio.

+ How big is the space?

600 square feet.

+ Are there any restrictions on the number of photographers or large groups using the studio?

No, multiple photographers and large groups are welcome, at no extra charge.

+ Where is the restroom?

The restroom is located two stores down. You will need a key card to access, specific information will be given after you book.

+ Are pets allowed?

Yes, please keep them on a leash outside of the studio and remember to clean up after them, including hair.